© 2010 jpallen

Pic of the Day: January 18

The famous floating islands of Lake Titicaca are a huge tourist attraction.  The houses, boats, and the islands themselves are built from the dried reeds of the totora plant.  Every two weeks, you’d better be adding more reeds to your island, or it will start to disappear.  Unfortunately, the Uros people spend so much time entertaining visitors that the island maintenance suffers.

There are 40 islands, each with its own president.  Because the Uros were abused and sometimes enslaved by the Inca, the floating islands helped them defend themselves and their homes.  Not quite the same concept as Sausalito.

(By the way, the proper pronounciation of Titicaca is teetee-KHA KHA, not tittie-ca-ca.)

potd 1-18-10